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National Information Centres

Direcția Cadrul Național al Calificărilor
National Qualifications Framework Department

Ministry of Education and Research
Republic of Moldova
Chisinau, MD - 2033
1, Piața Marii Adunări Naționale

Phone: (+373 22) 21 03 78 / (+373 22) 27 75 69 / (+373 22) 23 34 74
Fax: (+373 22) 27 75 69
Head of Centre: Phd Tatiana Gherștega, Head of Department

Ministerul Educatiei și Cercetării
Ministry of Education and Research

Link(s): English

System of education in Republic of Moldova
System of education in Republic of Moldova

Link(s): English, Romanian

Types of programmes and degrees awarded in Republic of Moldova

• The higher education is organized in universities, academies of studies, institutes, superior schools, schools of high studies and other types.
Depending on the type of property, the higher education institutions are: a) public, b) private. The education process is performed in the framework of the national educational standards, approved by the Ministry of Education, regardless of the type of property and legal form of the organization of the higher education institution.

Organisation and structure of studies
The higher education is structured in three cycles. The three cycles-based system was introduced in 2005.

Cycle I – Licentiate higher education degree (6 ISCED level), 180-240 credits. The appropriate number of credits assigned to a program of professional  development (level, field, specialty) and methodology for applying the system of credits are established by Ministry of Education.

Cycle II – Master higher education degree (7 ISCED level), 90-120 credits. The programmes in the 2nd cycle can be: advanced, interdisciplinary and complementary.

Cycle III - higher education of Doctor’s degree (8 ISCED level), 180 credits. The programmes are of two types: scientific doctorate and professional doctorate degree in fields of arts and sport. Within Licentiate higher education (cycle I) it may be organized double specialties programmes only in the study fields of education sciences and military service. The programmes of studies at double specialties complete with award of a single qualification and the issuance of a single university diploma for two specialties. The length of the studies for the double specialties at the 1st cycle of higher education in the field of education sciences is one year longer.

Integrated higher education programmes, regulated by the international rules of law can be organized within the 1st and 2nd cycle of higher education for the following fields: medicine and pharmacy; veterinary medicine; architecture. The length of the integrated higher education programmes correspond to a number of at least 300 transfer credits of studies.

The joint higher education programmes may be organized at all three cycles within a consortium of higher education institutions, other institutions and organizations. Joint qualification is awarded and joint diploma is issued in one of the following formulas:
- joint diploma in addition to one or more national diplomas;
- joint diploma issued by the institutions offering joint study program without issuing national diploma;
- one or more national diplomas officially issued and a certification for the accreditation of the qualification jointly awarded. 

• The university year for the 1stcycle of higher education (Licence degree) is composed of two relatively equal semesters, which include two examination sessions, internships and two holidays:
The length of a semester is about 15 weeks of direct contact with students.
30 transferable study credits are assigned for an academic semester, and 60 transferable study credits are assigned for an academic year.

Link(s): Romanian
Assesment and grading system
The assessment of the learning outputs is performed with the marks from “10” to “1” and, if appropriate, with the qualificatives “excellent”, “very good”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”, “admitted”, “rejected”. In parallel with the National Grading System in the higher education is applied the scale with the recommended grade by the European System of Transfer Credits (A, B, C, D, E, FX, F). The validation with the national grading scale is made as it follows: A: 9,01 – 10,0;B: 8,01 – 9,0;C: 7,01 – 8,0;D: 6,01 – 7,0; E: 5,0 – 6,0; FX: 3,01 – 4,99; F: 1,0 – 3,0.

Link(s): Romanian
Access to Higher Education
In the competition for admission at:

cycle I of higher education- can participate the holders of the Baccalaureate diploma (ISCED 3, external assessment, 12 years) or an equivalent document of studies;
cycle II of higher education - can participate the holders of Licentiate diploma of  higher education oran equivalent degrees. In case the holders apply for a program of studies different from the professional field completed at 1stcycle, candidates must accumulate 30 transfer credits of studies for the fundamental and specialty disciplines related to the field of studies they choose, which represents the curricular precondition necessary for continuing the higher education studies in the 2ndcycle I in a different professional field, which can be acquired during the Licentiate higher education degree.
cycle III of higher education- can participate the holders of the Master higher education diploma and equivalent degrees.

Postdoctoral studies programmes- can participate the holders of Doctor’s diploma.

Link(s): Romanian

Recognised higher education institutions
In Moldova the net of HEIs recognised comprises 18 public and 12 private Universities.

Link(s): Romanian


The National Qualifications Framework Department, the structural subdivision of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, has the competence to systematically establish and update, in accordance with national and international requirements, the normative framework for the process of authentication, equivalence and recognition of study papers and qualifications and monitoring of its achievement.

File Submission:

The folder is to be submitted to the CICTE (Center for Information and Communication Technologies in Education) or is to be sent by post to:
CICTE (Center for Information and Communication Technologies in Education)
 Alecu Russo 1 street, floor 7, of. 77B, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
Tel.  for information: +373 22410001

Duration of the Recognition and Equivalence Procedure: 30 working days from the date of submission of the complete file.


To be added.

Agenția Națională de Asigurare a Calității în Educație și Cercetare
National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research

Link(s): English, Romanian

Direcția Cadrul Național al Calificărilor

National Qualifications Framework Department is a governmental institution and a member of the ENIC/NARIC (European Network of Information Centres/National Academic Recognition Information Centre) networks, responsible for recognition of foreign qualifications for the purposes of further study and employment in the Republic of Moldova.

Peer review report
The Repubilic of Moldova ENIC participated in the round of peer reviews 2021 in the framework of the project “TST – Supporting and enhancing the role of ENIC-NARICs“. The site visit took place on 30 June 2022.

Peer review Report

Responsible organisation

Ministerul Educatiei,Culturii și Cercetării. Directia Invatamint superior.
The Ministry of Education,Culture and Research. The Department of Higher Education.
Piata Marii Adunãri Nationale, 1
MD-277033 Chisinau,
Republica Moldova
The Ministry of Education
Phone: + 373 22 23 24 43

Link(s): English

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Diploma Supplement Information

Technical vocational education
Portal național al învățământului profesional tehnic

Link(s): Romanian, Romanian

The normative framework governing the access of foreigners to studies in the Republic of Moldova is represented by:

- Law no. 270 of December 18, 2008 on asylum in the Republic of Moldova;
- Law no. 274 of 27.12.2011 on the integration of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova;

- Government Decision no. 504 of 04.07.2017 for the approval of the Regulation on the studies of aliens in the educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova and the abrogation of some Government decisions;

Law no. 274 of 27.12.2011 on the integration of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova stipulates that aliens, refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection shall be subject to education under the conditions established for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

Refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection have access to secondary vocational education, specialty and higher education, as well as their recognition of academic papers and academic titles obtained abroad, under the conditions provided by the national legislation and the international agreements to which the Republic of Moldova is part.

The Information System for Personalization of Study Documents (SIPAS) includes all centrally personalized study documents, issued in the national education system since 2008.

The verification is done by entering the data: the serial number and the registration number, the confirmation is displayed instantly. If the system does not generate any results, it is not excluded that it could be a technical error, and the authenticity can be checked by sending a request to the following address (Centre of Information and Education Technologies of Ministry of Education and Research) or  to the issuing institution.

Link(s): Romanian