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National Information Centres

Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science

Haraldsgade 53
2100 Copenhagen Ø

Phone: +45 7231 8700
Head of Centre: Mr. Mikkel Buchter, Head of Division

Børne- og Undervisningsministeriet

Ministry of Children and Education
The Ministry is responsible for pre-primary, primary and secondary education.

Link(s): English, Danish
Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet
Ministry of Higher Education and Science
The Ministry is responsible for higher education and research.

Link(s): English, Danish
Danish Ministry of Culture
The Ministry is responsible for parts of higher education in the areas of art and culture.

Link(s): English, Danish
Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
This agency of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research is responsible for higher education and for supporting mobility and studying abroad, recognition of foreign qualifications and international cooperation.

Link(s): English, Danish

Higher education
Ministry of Higher Education and Science

Link(s): English
Primary and secondary education
Ministry of Children and Education

Link(s): English
The Danish Education System

Link(s): English

Ministry of Higher Education and Science

Link(s): English, Danish
The Danish higher education system
Ministry of Higher Education and Science

Link(s): English

Recognised higher education institutions
List of Danish recognised higher education institutions since 2000, on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

Link(s): English


Danish qualifications frameworks

Link(s): Danish, English


Self-certification report
Verification of compatibility of the Danish National Qualifications
Framework for Higher Education with the Framework
for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area

Link(s): English

The Danish Accreditation Institution - Danmarks Akkrediteringsinstitution
The Danish Accreditation Institution is responsible for the accreditation of higher education programmes and institutions

Link(s): English, Danish
Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA) - Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut
EVA is an independent institution under the auspices of the Ministry of Children and Education, carrying out research and evaluations.

Link(s): English, Danish

Guide to recognition of foreign qualifications
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science

Link(s): English, Danish

Responsible organisation

Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
Haraldsgade 53
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Phone: +45 7231 8700
Link(s): English, Danish

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement has been implemented by law. All higher education institutions are required to issue a Diploma Supplement in English to all students graduated after September 2002. This applies to ordinary study programmes as well as part-time diploma and master study programmes. The supplement follows the common European template as recommended by UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

Link(s): English, Danish

The Danish higher education system
Ministry of Higher Education and Science

Link(s): English

Background report on foreign educational qualifications

Refugees who are unable to provide documentation of their qualifications can apply for a background report. The report describes their educational background, indicating how the Danish ENIC/NARIC office would normally assess a similar qualification.

Link(s): English, Danish

For verification of Danish qualifications please contact the issuing institution.
Higher education institutions can be found via the Ministry of Higher Education and Science website: Recognised higher education institutions.