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National Information Centres

Akadeemilise Tunnustamise Infokeskus (Eesti ENIC/NARIC Keskus)
Academic Recognition Information Centre (Estonian ENIC/NARIC)

Estonian Education and Youth Board
A.H.Tammsaare tee 47
11316 Tallinn

Phone: +372 697 92 15
Head of Centre: Gunnar Vaht

Eesti Vabariigi Haridus - ja Teadusministeerium
Estonian Ministry of Education and Research

Link(s): Estonian, English

Overview of the Estonian system of education

Link(s): English, Estonian

Information on legal framework, types of higher education institutions, administration and academic staff, higher education cycles and qualifications, and grading and credit system

Link(s): English, Estonian

List of recognised higher education institutions in Estonia

Link(s): English, Estonian


Estonian Higher Education Qualifications Framework

Link(s): English, Estonian
Estonian qualifications framework

Link(s): English, Estonian


Referencing Estonian national qualifications to the European Qualifications Framework
Referencing Report (2016)

Link(s): English

Estonian Quality Agency for Education

Estonian Quality Agency for Education is the leading competence center in Estonia in the field of quality assessment of educational institutions. Their activities include improvement of the quality of vocational and higher education, institutional accreditation of higher education institutions and thematic review in higher education, and quality assessment of vocational education.

Link(s): English, Estonian

General information on the assessment procedure

Link(s): English, Estonian
General procedures and criteria for the evaluation of foreign higher education qualifications and qualifications giving access to higher education

Link(s): English (PDF)

Responsible organisation

Eesti Vabariigi Haridus – ja Teadusministeerium
Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
Munga 18, Tartu 50088, Estonia
Phone: +372 735 0132
Fax: +372 735 0250
Link(s): Estonian, English

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Process of Implementation of the Diploma Supplement

DS is compulsory to issue together with every higher education credential awarded on completion of a study-programme that is registered with the Ministry of Education and Research after 1 June 2002. Issuing of DS to earlier graduates is regulated by every HEI independently. The format of the DS corresponds to that recommended by UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

Link(s): English, Estonian
Template of Diploma Supplement

Link(s): English, Estonian
Chart of national higher education structure

Link(s): English, Estonian

Access qualifications

Link(s): English (PDF)

Overview of vocational education and training in Estonia

Link(s): English (PDF)

Recognition of refugees’ qualifications in Estonia

Link(s): English

For verification inquiries of Estonian qualifications, please reach out directly to the concerned educational institution.