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About the Governance of the ENIC-NARIC Networks

The governance of the ENIC and NARIC Networks is supported by two consultative and coordinative bodies, having different functions:

1. ENIC Bureau (EB) and NARIC Advisory Board (NAB)

The ENIC Bureau (EB) was established by the ENIC Network, in close collaboration with UNESCO and the Council of Europe, in their role as Co-Secretariat of the LRC. Meanwhile, the NARIC Advisory Board (NAB) was established by the NARIC Network, under the European Commission. The EB/NAB reports to the ENIC and NARIC Networks.



  • provides advise to the Networks’ Co-Secretariats (UNESCO, the Council of Europe, and the European Commission) on academic mobility and recognition issues;
  • designs, implements and monitors its workplan, including the preparation of the annual meetings;
  • may represent the ENIC-NARIC Network at events organised by stakeholders and other entities to improve its function and visibility.


The EB is composed of elected members from individual ENICs, with due regard to geographical and gender balance, in addition to expertise in qualification recognition policy. Current elected members for the 2023-2025 term are:

  • Ms. Chiara Finocchietti (President), ENIC-NARIC Italy,
  • Mr. Dženan Omanović (Vice-President), ENIC Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Similarly, the NAB is composed of elected members from individual NARICs. Current elected members the 2023-2025 term are:

  • Mr. Gunnar Vaht, ENIC-NARIC Estonia,
  • Ms. Helén Sophie Haugen, ENIC-NARIC Norway,
  • Ms. Gianina Chirazi, ENIC-NARIC Romania.


Elected members commit to participating in at least four yearly meetings. The meetings are co-chaired by the President of the ENIC Networks and the European Commission.

The composition of the EB/NAB is reviewed every two years, through an electoral process during the Annual Joint Meeting of the ENIC-NARIC Networks. The next elections are planned for June 2025.

2. Working Party on Electronic Communication for Recognition (ELCORE Working Group)

The Working Party on Electronic Communication for Recognition (ELCORE Working Group) was established by the ENIC Bureau (EB) and NARIC Advisory Board (NAB), in close collaboration with UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the European Commission. The ELCORE Working Group reports to the EB/NAB, and provides advice on issues related to the Lisbon Recognition Convention electronic provision of information. The aim of the ELCORE Working Group is to foster capacity building and oversight of the ENIC-NARIC Networks’:

  • information system management and development (e.g., Web site, listservs);
  • strategic communication (e.g., social media channels).


The ELCORE Working Group is composed of members from individual ENIC-NARICs, with due regard to geographical and gender balance, in addition to expertise in electronic provision of information, strategic communication and policy.


Members of the ELCORE Working Group commit to participating in at least three yearly meetings. The composition of this working group is reviewed yearly in order to guarantee optimal sharing of expertise, equitable participation of all its members and that all its positions are filled or being filled. The ELCORE Chair and the other ELCORE Working Group members are designated according to processes outlined in the ELCORE’s Terms of Reference.


Current members are:

  • Mr. Nathanaël Poli (Chair), ENIC Canada,
  • Mr. Olsi Vangjeli, ENIC Albania.



The Technical Support Team of the ENIC-NARIC Networks supports technologically and practically the implementation of the EB/NAB’s and ELCORE’s workplan. Its work is co-funded by the Erasmus+ projects "TST - Supporting and enhancing the role of ENIC-NARICs” in 2020-2022 and “TST2 – Supporting the ENIC-NARICs” in 2023-2024, coordinated by the Italian ENIC-NARIC, CIMEA.