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National Information Centres

ДП "Інформаційно-іміджевий центр"
State-owned company "Information and Image Centre"

25 V. Chornovola Str.
01135, Kyiv

Phone: 00 380 44 484 64 25 / 00 380 44 484 64 45 / 00 380 44 486 20 43
Fax: 00 380 44 486 18 29
Head of Centre: Viktoriya Sergiyenko, Head of ENIC Ukraine

Міністерство освіти і науки України
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
10 Prospekt Peremohy
01135, Kyiv, Ukraine

Phone: +38 044 481 32 79
Web Site:
Contact person: Stella Shapoval, Department for International Cooperation and Protocol, Head of the Department

Link(s): English, Ukrainian
Національне агентство із забезпечення якості вищої освіти
National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance
Державна служба якості освіти України
State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine

Structure of the education system of Ukraine

• The current education system of Ukraine (as of 2021) has undergone active reformation in light of the European agenda and the Bologna process.The legislative framework and practice is substantially Bologna-compatible: 3-cycle HE (Bachelor, Master, PhD), QA, ECTS, DS, NQF and ESG implemented.

• The so-called transition period Junior Specialist’s and Specialist’s levels, as well as Candidate of Science Degree are gradually being removed: the final Junior Specialist admission was conducted in 2019 and the final Specialist admission - in 2016. The Candidate of Science programs have continued within designated terms, if started before the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” (2014).

• The following correlation between the previous and actual education levels and degrees is applied: Junior Specialist equals to Junior Bachelor; Specialist equals to Master; Candidate of Science equals to PhD.

• According to the Law on Education (2017), 12-year complete general secondary education is being introduced in 3 stages: primary education in 2018; basic secondary education in 2022; profile (field-specific) secondary education in 2027.

• The Law on Education also provides for changes concerning vocational (vocational-technical) education, professional pre-higher education and short-cycle higher-education, reflected in the attached links.

Link(s): English, Ukrainian
Educational System of Ukraine 2020 - Additional Infographic
Laws of Ukraine
On Education
On Complete General Secondary Education
On Vocational Education
On Professional Prehigher Education
On Higher Education

Higher Education Sysтem

Since 2002 higher education (HE) in Ukraine has been conducted for educational programmes leading to а Junior Specialist's (incomplete HE), Bachelor's (basic HE), Specialist's and Master's (complete HE) degrees. In 2005 Ukraine joined the Bologna Process and in а decade а three-cycle HE system (Bachelor, Master and PhD) has been successfully implemented. The HE initial level (short cycle) remains indispensable in the HE system of Ukraine.

НE in Ukraine is provided by the following types of HEIs:

University, а multi-sector or one-sector HEI providing HE, awarding full range of HE degrees (including PhD) and conducting fundamental and/or applied research;

Academy and institute are sectoral HEIs providing education at the 1st (Bachelor) and the 2nd (Master) HE levels in one or several fields of study, as well as at the 3rd and higher scientific HE levels for certain program subject areas (specialties), and conducting fundamental and/or applied research;

College is а HEI or university, academy or institute structural unit providing education for a Bachelor's and/or а Junior Bachelor's degrees and conducting applied research and/or creative art activity. The status of college is granted to an educational institution or its structural unit, if Bachelor's and/or Junior Bachelor's studies make up at least 30% of the total licensed volume.

The national status is honorary distinction and is awarded to a HEI and added to its official name for the significant contribution to the development of HE, science and culture of Ukraine.

Education programs and degrees:

HE in Ukraine is carried out in the framework of academic and professional education programs. НE and research institutions develop and approve the programs autonomously, according to legal HE level requirements and HE specialties standards, based upon NQF descriptors. Ukrainian NQF is referenced to EQF-LLL and QF-EHEA.

HE is provided at the Initial (short cycle), 1st (Bachelor's), 2nd (Master's) and 3rd (educational-scientific/educational-fine arts) levels, leading to corresponding degrees:

Junior Bachelor – HE educational or professional initial level (short cycle) degree (120 ЕСТS), obtained on the basis of CGSE and corresponding to the 5th NQF and EQF-LLL levels, and QF-EHEA short cycle.

Bachelor – HE educational 1st level degree (180-240 ЕСТS), obtained on the basis of CGSE and corresponding to the 6th NQF and EQF-LLL levels, and QF-EHEA 1st cycle.

Master – HE educational 2nd level degree (90-120 ЕСТS for educational-professional program; 120 ЕСТS for educational-scientific program), obtained on the basis of Bachelor’s degree. Master's degree in Medicine, Pharmacy or Veterinary is an integrated program degree, obtained on the basis of CGSE or а Bachelor's, Junior Bachelor's and/or Junior Specialist's qualification level in а relevant subject area (300-360 ЕCTS). Master’s degree corresponds to the 7th NQF and EQF-LLL levels, and QF-EHEA 2nd cycle.

Doctor of Philosophy – HE educational­-scientific 3rd level degree (90-120 ЕСTS, 4-year nominal postgraduate (adjunct) studies), obtained on the basis of Master's degree and awarded by а specialized Scientific Council of HE or research institution upon educational­-scientific program successful completion and public defence of а thesis (dissertation). Doctor of Philosophy degree corresponds to the 8th NQF and EQF-LLL levels, and QF-EHEA 3rd cycle.

Doctor of Art – HE educational ­- fine arts 3rd level degree (30-60 ЕСTS, 3-year postgraduate studies in Fine Arts), obtained on the basis of Master's degree). Doctor of Art degree corresponds to the 8th NQF and EQF-LLL levels, and QF-EHEA 3rd cycle.

Link(s): English, Ukrainian

Unified State Electronic Database on Education USEDE (Ukrainian: Єдина електронна державна база з питань освіти ЄДЕБО)
USEDE contains in open access:

Education institutions` registry (Реєстр суб'єктів освітньої діяльності)

This registry contains information on all recognized educational institutions of all education levels (state, private, municipal, etc.), including information on licensing and accreditation of programs. For more information on licensing and accreditation processes in Ukraine please visit ENIC Ukraine page.

Types of Higher Education Insitutions in Ukraine
In terms of ownership form, institutions of higher learning in Ukraine may be state, communal, or private. Regardless of their ownership form, they have equal rights and provide educational activity according to the unified state standards. Ukrainian institutions of higher learning are classified by types as follows: universities, academies, institutes, conservatories (music academies), colleges, and technical schools.

University is a multidisciplinary institution of higher learning that provides higher education within a broad range of humanities, economic, natural, and other studies, and is a leading research and methodology center. There may be classic and specialized universities.

A university is considered as classic if it prepares specialists in at least eight areas of study, as well as doctors of art, doctors of philosophy and doctors of science in at least twelve research fields, including at least two liberal arts, economic, natural studies or technical specializations.

A specialized university prepares professionals in at least four areas of study, as well as doctors of philosophy and doctors of science in at least eight research fields, including at least six specialization areas (except for arts and higher military educational institutions (higher educational institutions with special study conditions).

Institute is an institution of higher learning or a structural unit of a university, which provides higher education in a specific area of study, education, culture, or manufacture.

Academy is an institution of higher learning, which operates to provide a specific higher education, helping students to obtain a qualification in a specific area of science, industry, education, culture, and arts, engages in fundamental and applied research, being a leading research and methodology center in its specialization area, and has the relevant level of human and material resources.
An academy prepares specialists in two areas of education and doctors of art, doctors of philosophy and doctors of science in at least two research fields (except for arts and higher military educational institutions (higher educational institutions with special study conditions)).

Conservatory  is an institution of higher learning that provides a higher education in the field of culture and the arts.

College is an institution of higher learning or a structural unit of an educational institution that provides a higher education in related areas or in several specialization fields. A professional college is created if its daytime departments have at least five hundred people.

Technical school is an institution of higher learning or a structural unit of an educational institution that provides a higher education in several related specialization fields.

Universities, academies, institutes, and conservatories may train students under any type of academic program (junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master, candidate of sciences), as well as under post-graduate programs. A university (academy) may be awarded with national status for achievements in research activities.

Link(s): English, Ukrainian, English, Ukrainian


National Qualifications Framework

• The National Qualifications Framework is referenced to EQF and QF-EHEA. According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 1341, dated November 23, 2011 (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 519, dated June 25, 2020), the NQF is a systematic and structured overview of competence-based qualification levels. The NQF is set up for use by state and local authorities, institutions and organizations, education institutions, employers, other legal entities and individuals for the elaboration, identification, benchmarking, recognition, planning and development of qualifications. The NQF is based upon the European and national standards and principles of quality assurance in education, takes into account the requirements of labour market to the competences of employees and is introduced to harmonize the legal rules in the sphere of education and social and labour relations, to facilitate the national and international recognition of qualifications obtained in Ukraine and ensure efficient interaction between education sphere and labour market. For the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework the terms are defined as follows:
Vocational (vocational-technical) education and training qualifications correspond to:
• The first (initial) level of the vocational (vocational-technical) education and training to the 2nd level of the NationalQualificationsFramework;
• The second (basic) level of the vocational (vocational-technical) education and training to the 3rd level of the NationalQualificationsFramework;
• The third (higher) level of the vocational (vocational-technical) education and training to the 4th or the 5th level of the NationalQualificationsFramework.
• 5. Professional pre-higher education qualification - Professional Junior Bachelor corresponds to the 5th level of the NationalQualificationsFramework.
• 6. Higher education qualifications correspond to:
Junior Bachelor to the 5th level of the NationalQualificationsFramework and the short cycle of the higher education of the Framework of Qualifications for the EHEA;
Bachelor to the 6th level of the NationalQualificationsFramework and the first cycle of the higher education of the Framework of Qualifications for the EHEA;
Master to the 7th level of the NationalQualificationsFramework and the second cycle of the higher education of the Framework of Qualifications for the EHEA;
Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Art to the 8th level of the NationalQualificationsFramework and the third cycle of the higher education of the Framework of Qualifications for the EHEA;

Link(s): English, Ukrainian, Ukrainian


Plan and Monitoring of the National Qualification Framework Implementation

Link(s): Ukrainian, Ukrainian

Quality assurance in higher education (LICENSING, ACCREDITATION)

• The HE quality assurance system in Ukraine is comprised of HEI internal quality assurance system and external quality assurance system (licensing, accreditation), including National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA), other accreditation and quality assurance bodies, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
• HE activity is carried out on the basis of licenses, issued by a licensing body, designated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Before 2020, the licensing of every separate program subject area (specialty) was compulsory. Currently, education activities at a certain HE level or for regulated professions remain subjects to licensing.
• Accreditation of education programs for specialties of all levels was obligatory up to 2014. From 2014 up to 2020, HEIs had the right to provide both, accredited and non-accredited programs. From January 16, 2020, HEIs have the right to provide accredited programs only.
• Accreditation of education programs is fulfilled by NAQA from September 2019 (according to the Law on Education (2017); before accreditation was provided by the Accreditation Commission, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
• Ukraine recognizes certificates of accreditation of education programs issued by foreign accreditation agencies or other agencies of HE quality assurance, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The current list of authorized agencies is approved on the basis of EQAR by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, dated July 10, 2019 No. 554-р

Link(s): English, Ukrainian
Quality assurance bodies
- National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance
- State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine

The procedure of recognition of foreign documents on education has been significantly reformed according to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”. Regulatory act, which controls carrying out of the recognition procedure in Ukraine by all competent authorities, is the Decree No 504 of the Ministry of Education and Science, dated on May 05, 2015. This decree enables Academic Technology Approved Schemes of Recognition of acquired abroad degrees of higher education and documents on secondary and vocational education.

Recognition of foreign educational documents in Ukraine is carried out in full concordance with the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, which was validated by the Law of Ukraine No 1273-XIV, dated December 03, 1999, and Recommendations of the Conventionalong with Ukraine international agreements.

HEIs conduct recognition procedure in order to enroll the holder of a foreign educational document for further education and/or take on as a research or research and pedagogy employee to work at the HEI. The decision of HEI recognition confirms right of the holder to continue education or to work at this HEI. To operate the recognition procedure HEI is enabled to create a Recognition Board. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine provides recognition procedure for employment and/or prolongation of the studying of the document holder at the territory of Ukraine. In both cases the corresponding certificates on recognition are issued.

National Information Centre of Academic Mobility (ENIC Ukraine) was established in 2011 by the Resolution No 924 of the Cabinet of Ministers, dated August 31, 2011. The functions of the National Information Centre of Academic Mobility are delegated to the State Enterprise “Information and Image Centre” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. National Information Centre of Academic Mobility may grant a conclusion on the recognition, on the base of which the final decision by HEI will be made. The Centre also carries out admission of documents and runs recognition procedure in order to provide the Ministry with information necessary for decision making. The ENIC Ukraine Centre may provide a conclusion or reference about any stage of the recognition procedure: verify the authenticity of the educational document and status of foreign educational institution or carry out the qualification evaluation and ascertain academic and professional rights regarding foreign document on education.

It also provides:

- information about educational system of Ukraine;
- handling of the requests concerning recognition of Ukrainian educational documents abroad (for government authorities, ENIC-NARIC network centres, recognition services for international recognition organizations, HEIs, embassies, employers, etc.
- assistance in solution of recognition issues concerning Ukrainian documents on education and expertise assistance for equivalency establishment of foreign educational documents;
- electronic Apostille Register of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Link(s): English, Ukrainian

Responsible organisation

Департамент вищої освіти, Міністерство освіти і науки України
Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
10 Prospekt Peremohy
01135, Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38 044 481 32 92
Fax: +38 044 486 77 63

Link(s): Ukrainian

Additional information:

The Diploma Supplement was approved by Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers’ № 1260 (12.11.97) and closely resembles the recommended UNESCO and Council of Europe format.

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Process of Implementation of the Diploma Supplement

Diploma Supplement is an integral part of Bachelor's and Master's diplomas; it contains structured information about completed education. The template of HE diploma supplement was adopted by the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 102 “On approval of template of documents on higher education (scientific degrees), document supplements, academic certificate”, dated January 25, 2021.

It is issued to the owner of the diploma in order to provide additional extended information on the national system of education, HEI status; level, content and workload of education; peculiarities of the education and academic achievements of the graduate, his qualification, academic and professional rights.

The information in the Diploma Supplement is provided in English and Ukrainian. The document details include: document name, series (“A” letter and 2 digits that coincide with the year of issue), 6 digits diploma registration number, available for verification at the web-site of Higher Education Documents Register:; registration number of the diploma supplement, document issue date; position, surname, initials and signature of the head of the HEI or another authorized person; HEI seal.

Link(s): English, Ukrainian

Access to Higher Education

• Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (since 2019), and Attestat of Complete General Secondary Education (before 2019) – is an educational document that confirms the successful completion of general secondary school in Ukraine, provides general access to higher education and is a prerequisite for admission to higher education to junior bachelor's degree, bachelor's degree (master's degree(long cycle) in medicine, pharmacy or veterinary) programs on the basis of complete general secondary education.

• Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education is issued after completion of the 11-year program and final exams of the State Final Attestation (the SFA) in several subjects (Mathematics and Ukrainian language – mandatory, and one-two subjects optional). The subjects and number of exams are specified annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Since 2015, the SFA has been conducted in the form of the External Independent Evaluation (the EIE). In this case, the results are added to the supplement of the Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education in the line for the SFA results. In certain cases specified by the relevant legislation, graduates have the right to pass the SFA in another form provided by an educational institution or to be exempted from passing the SFA.

• The External Independent Evaluation (the EIE) is a learning outcomes assessment system, and component of the admission procedure to higher education programs as an instrument of competitive selection to higher education programs. The EIE ensures to general secondary school graduates the right for equal and fair admission to higher education programs as the EIE results are used to determine the competitive selection scores for different programs.

• Graduates choose subjects (3-5) for the EIE tests according to the list of chosen areas of study in higher education institutions. The results of the EIE in Ukraine are organized as rating scale: 100-200 points. The required subject groups and the EIE points for admission are specified by higher education institutions. Higher education institutions can also set additional conditions for admission (art and vocal exams, tests, interviews etc.). 

• The admission is centralized and is fulfilled on a competitive basis in accordance with the Requirements of admission to higher education, approved by the central executive body in the field of education and science. The requirements have to be published on the official web-site of the corresponding executive body not later than October 15 of the preceding year.

• The Academic Council of HEI adopts admission regulations, stipulating the required number of EIE certificates (each estimated at least 20 % of the pass rate); the estimated value of the document on complete general secondary education (from 0 to 10 in the integrated value of pass rate); the estimated value of the creative or physical competition, if applicable (up to 60 % for creative, and up to 25 % for physical competition); estimated value of outstanding achievements in studies, science, sports, or successful completion of training courses, and motivation letter. The pass rate is calculated as sum total of the above-mentioned values. The rating of candidates (entrants) is formed on the basis of the pass rate to a definite specialty, according to the priority choices, set by candidates. The HEI admission regulations have to contain information on accredited and non-accredited programs.

• The admission to Bachelor’s degree program (Master of Medical, Pharmacy or Veterinary Studies) on the basis of Junior Bachelor’s, Professional Junior Bachelor’s degree or Junior Specialist’s level is fulfilled according to EIE results and HEI entrance examinations for the subjects out of the EIE range or creative competition.

• The admission to Master’s degree program on the basis of Bachelor’s degree is fulfilled according to the results of entrance examinations, including EIE in foreign language, provided by means of external independent evaluation in HEI or creative competition examinations for the subjects out of the EIE range.

• The admission to Doctor of Philosophy/Fine Arts program on the basis of Master’s degree is fulfilled on the basis of entrance examinations.

• The admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons is based on the results of entrance exams and on the basis of academic rights to further education, provided by the document on the level of education in the country of origin, and taking into account the grades, providing right to further education at the next level of education in accordance with the legislation of the country that issued the document on the level of education.

Link(s): English, English, English

Post-secondary non-university education

• Post-secondary non-university education is represented in Ukraine by means of vocational (vocational-technical) education of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd levels (Qualified Worker, Junior Specialist) and pre-higher professional education (Professional Junior Bachelor).

• The 1st (initial) VET level corresponds to the 2nd NQF level; 2nd (basic) VET level - to the 3rd NQF level; 3rd (higher) VET level to the 4th or 5th NQF level.

• Professional pre-higher education qualification - Professional Junior Bachelor, corresponds to the 5th NQF level. Pre-higher professional education could be obtained on the basis of a CGSE: 2–3 years, as well as basic general secondary education in the framework of CGSE integrated program: 3–4 years. On successful state examinations completion, graduates are awarded a Professional Junior Bachelor Diploma, providing access to further employment and/or further studies at Bachelor’s degree program.

Link(s): English, Ukrainian, English, Ukrainian

Recognition of Qualifications held by Refugees

The Academic Technology Approved Schemes of Recognition, which were enabled by the Decree No 504 of the Ministry of Education and Science, dated on May 05, 2015, define principles of procedure fulfilment concerning recognition of qualifications held by refugees and persons in need of additional or temporary protection.

Recognition procedure for this category of applicants may be started without the complete application package. In such cases the ground to begin the procedure is a refugee certificate, certificate of a person in need of additional protection, identification certificate of the person, who is provided with temporary protection and a corresponding application for procedure implementation.

The existing documents (such as: copies of educational documents, student record book, program description, documents on non-formal and informal education or other documents that can confirm education evidence and/or acquisition of qualification; and also existing documents on work experience) shall be applied in order the recognition procedure of the qualifications held by refugees or persons, who need an additional or temporary protection, could be carried out.

In case there is a lack of information the procedure of recognition of qualifications held by refugees and persons, who need an additional or temporary protection, may include special exams, testing or interviews organized by the competent authority.

Link(s): English, Ukrainian

Unified State Electronic Database on Education USEDE (Ukrainian: Єдина електронна державна база з питань освіти ЄДЕБО) (in Ukrainian)

1) USEDE belongs to the administrative sphere of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and is administered by Inforesurs SE.
USEDE contains the following registries in open access:

Education institutions` registry (Реєстр суб'єктів освітньої діяльності)
This registry contains information on all recognized educational institutions of all education levels (state, private, municipal, etc.), including information on licensing, attestation and accreditation of programs. For more information on licensing and accreditation processes in Ukraine please visit ENIC Ukraine page.

-  Admission information (Вступ)
Educational documents’ registry (Реєстр документів про освіту)
State format documents on higher education are issued only for accredited educational programs and in accordance with the template requirements approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Documents on higher education issued by HEIs for non-accredited educational programs are not included in the USEDE. The name of the accreditation body (bodies) shall be (since 2021) indicated in the diploma and more data included in the DS.
-  Students ID cards registry (Реєстр студентських (учнівських) квитків)
External Independent Evaluation certificates` registry (Реєстр сертифікатів зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання)
-  Registry of teachers’ certificates (Реєстр сертифікатів педагогічних працівників)
-  Registry of study certification papers for international students (Довідки про навчання іноземців)
-  Registry of students with the information on studies(limited access) (Інформація про фізичну особу, що міститься в ЄДЕБО)

Samples of Educational Documents (in English, Russion and Ukrainian)
2) Database of the samples of educational documents on ENIC Ukraine website.
The samples are systematized by the years, and cover a period from 1961 till today and contain description and mandatory elements of the format.

Apostille Certifications`Database (in English, Russion and Ukrainian)
3) Database of the apostille certifications issued by the Ministry of Education and Science.
In Ukraine all documents related to the sphere of education and science when applied for the apostille certification get verified for their authenticity before the affixing the apostille stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science.
The apostille stamps of the Ministry of education and Science (issued since 18.01.2013) can be verified by the ENIC Ukraine database.
For the verification of the apostille stamps issued before 18.01.2013 please contact the ENIC Ukraine office.