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STREAM: An Online Training Platform for Admissions Officers

Fast, fair and transparent recognition of foreign qualifications and periods of study enhances student mobility in Europe. With the objective of removing mobility obstacles, the European project ‘Streamlining Institutional Recognition: a Training Platform for Admissions Officers’ (STREAM) envisages to streamline region-wide recognition processes and enhance knowledge of good practice in recognition.

STREAM is specifically geared towards admissions officers working in Higher Education Institutions in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It provides concise training materials, based on the EAR-HEI manual, including many examples and exercises from daily recognition practice.

In addition to accessing the training materials, platform members can use the ‘real cases forum’ to post questions on specific cases and ask advice from peers throughout Europe

For more information, download the fact sheet on fair diploma recognition at Higher Education Institutions.



If you are an admissions officer join the STREAM platform.

Already a member? Login


Consortium members

The STREAM consortium is composed of representatives from the ENIC-NARIC network: NARIC France, NARIC Denmark, NARIC Lithuania, NARIC Netherlands, NARIC Ireland, NARIC Italy and NARIC Latvia. 

Other partners involved are:

  • the European University Association (EUA); 
  • Tuning;
  •  the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK);
  • the European Student Union;
  • a special advisor from the US Network for Education Information (USNEI); 
  • the Vice-President of the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee. 

STREAM is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.


Contact us

For further information on the STREAM online training platform for admissions officers, please contact the Team International Recognition of Nuffic:

Kortenaerkade 11
2518 AX, The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)70 - 426 02 60

Project coordinators: MS Marijke Blom-Westrik (, Ms Jenneke Lokhoff ( or Mr Bas Wegewijs (